About RIMA - Royal Institute Mohamed Ali


About RIMA


Since establishing the Institute in Washington DC in 1991, HRH Prince Osman Rifat Ibrahim has been tirelessly emphasizing to the world of Egypt’s rich heritage in the modern era (1805-1953) and the role of the Mohamed Ali dynasty in the evolution of Arab Renaissance, starting with the modernization of the Economy, Industry, Agriculture, Military & Education.

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Historical Note

The foundation was founded in memory of Princess Ayn El Hayat, daughter of Ahmed Rifat Pasha, Heir apparent of Egypt 1854-1858 who founded l' Oeuvre Bénévole Mohammed Ali in 1909, a society which cared for 30,000 patients in its first year of operation. It continued to be very active, and by its closure in 1952, the annual total amount of patients treated had risen to over 1.5 Million.


· The Royal Institute participates in international academic lectures and events, · Scholarship Awards for specific topics of research, such as history & the arts. · The Royal Institute seeks to facilitate further scholarships at universities in Europe, in specializations relevant to the Mediterranean social and economic development as well as in the other countries that have filed with the Institution.

Health Training

At this point, the Royal Institute focuses on providing training to new Medics with emphasis to First Aid education, with the support of Organizations committed to assist the Institute & society in this important benevolent undertaking


·As a Global organization, the Royal Institute Mohamed Ali fosters the Vision of sharing Cultural Treasures, travelling for millennia between East & West and at the Crossroads of Civilizations. ·The Royal Institute conducts & participates in international cultural events, exhibitions, symposia, as well as cooperating with similar organizations, museums & academia. · The sponsorship of exhibitions and publications regarding the legacy of Mohammed Ali Pasha (1805-1848) and that of his Dynasty, with emphasis on Historical research, the Arts and the Religious Tolerance & Understanding.